Home > Artworks > Natali Luján Purretta

Photo of Natali Luján  Purretta Argentina
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Natali was born in 1991, that same day it snowed in her city. Perhaps this is why she does not like the cold.

During his life, this life. She had a hard time understanding herself, being diagnosed only at the age of 28 with ADHD and Biopolarity.

He carries with him a great need to express himself, to show the world his home.

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23.62 x 15.75 in

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I am going to speak in the first person about my works and the creation process.

Throughout my life I had communication problems, something that today I see as a process that fed the imagination, if there is a word that describes me it is "APOLOGY". Doesn't that sound pretty?

From a very young age I immersed myself in literature and in my mind words are images, and sentences are landscapes. Sometimes beautiful other times uncomfortable.

So I decided that each work is a tribute to those artists who gave me so much in life, who accompanied me so much and are still there, in every corner of me. Reinventing a new life every day.

My works are for them.

I can also make collages by request, conditional on you sending me that poem that leaves you stunned, that literary fragment that you remember on rainy days, that phrase that makes you uncomfortable, that song that rocks over and over again. And from there I will create your unique and unrepeatable moment, that place that transports you to what you like the most.

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